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Club Information and Documents



Members of our purple family should find all the important information they need below; or get in touch with your squad Manager if you need any further help.

Elite Programme 2024 /25 Trials

Trials will take place on Sunday 2nd June 2024, for our 2024/25 Elite Programme. The trials are open to all players, both existing club members and non-members. Please complete and return the relevant entry form below.

Club Kit

Club kit can be purchased through our supplier as per the link below. Orders may be collected from your training session, to save on delivery costs. We also have a 'Pre-Loved' rail which we will bring to the various training sessions at key point in the year (usually before the leagues seasons start); please ask your section Manager if you have any queries. If you have any good quality pre-loved club items for the rail, please pass these to your squad Manager.


Required Training Kit - club training t-shirt or vest; to be worn black or navy skort, shorts or leggings.


Required Match Kit - match dress, purple shorts, white socks. Base layers may be worn, these should be a white full length sleeve top with a round neck, and plain black full length leggings.


Optional Kit - White hoodies (U11s) or Zip jackets, club leggings and base layer top, kit bags and socks.


Our Codes of Conduct


T        Treat team mates, coaches, umpires, officials and opponents with respect.

         I will never use bad language or insult opponents, coaches or spectators.

B        Bad attitude (such as name calling, nasty messages etc) will not be tolerated.

B        Be aware that umpires are there to interpret the rules for you: Accept their decision.

E        Enjoy yourself, know the rules of Netball and play by the spirit of the rules.

R        Remember to dress suitably for training and matches i.e. club kit and sports trainers. Jewellery and watches                    must be removed, nails kept short and long hair tied up.

T        Try your best, always have fun, and don't leave anyone out.

O       Other players are there to enjoy the game of netball. Any negative behaviour will impact on their enjoyment.

N       Never leave the coaching session/match without your parents knowing who you are leaving with.




  • No shouting or coaching at the sidelines – this can intimidate the umpires, coaches, and especially the players

  • When dropping your children off at the training session/matches, please ensure the coaching team is present.

  • Please collect your child on time and from inside the venue. Also inform the coaching team if someone else is collecting your child.

  • Please ensure your child is brought to the session/ match suitably dressed and with a drink.

  • Bad behaviour and bullying will not be tolerated by parents or players.  The Lead Coach will contact you should action be necessary.




  • I will avoid taking young people along on car journeys, however short.

  • I will never engage in rough, physical or sexually provocative games, including horseplay.

  • I will never allow young people to use inappropriate language or behaviour Consider the wellbeing and safety of participants before the development of performance.

  • Develop an appropriate working relationship with participants, based on mutual trust and respect.

  • Make sure all activities are appropriate to the age, ability and experience of those taking part.

  • Promote the positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play and team spirit).

  • Display consistently high standards of behaviour and appearance.

  • Follow all guidelines laid down by the national governing body and the club.

  • Hold the appropriate, valid qualifications, affiliation and insurance cover.

  • Encourage performers to value their performances and not just results.

  • Include young people in committee decisions to ensure their voice is heard.

  • Never exert undue influence over performers to obtain personal benefit or reward.

  • Never condone rule violations, rough play or the use of prohibitive substances.

  • Always ensure I am never alone with one child unobserved.

  • If any form of physical support is required, it will be provided openly and according to guidelines as provided by England Netball.

  • Encourage an open environment (i.e. there will be no secrets, always explain why I am doing something in that way, encourage young people to put their views forward diplomatically).

  • I will avoid spending excessive amounts of time alone with young people away from others.

  • unchallenged.

  • I will never allow allegations made by a child to go unchallenged, unrecorded or not acted upon.



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